Shortly after the arrival of our new priest, Rev. Miquel Gonzales, in August 2016 the individual parish councils and building committees were asked to present their individual plans for building a new church in Cashmere and remodeling and/or building an addition to the present church in Leavenworth.
Both parishes shared their individual histories and challenges as separate entities and failed attempts to explore merging as one parish.
A committee made up of members from both parishes embarked upon writing a detailed document, a Discernment Report, in support of the merger to be presented to the Diocese.
After consultation with both parishioners, past priests, and the Bishop, the two parishes formally requested the Diocese to allow the merger and to build a single church.
After comments and input from parishioners and past pastors, Bishop Tyson promulgated a decree effecting this merger on March 25, 2017. The new parish is titled Our Lady of the Assumption.
Effective immediately, all references to Parish Council, Executive Building Committee, Finance Council, etc. became one.
A Property Committee, a sub-group of the Executive Building Committee, was formed to research possible sites for a new church, preferably a location somewhat mid-way between Cashmere and Leavenworth.
In late 2017, an offer was made to buy 12 acres of orchard near the intersection of Highways 2 and 97. At this time, we are engaged in the process of working with the county and seller to ensure all requirements are met before closing.
It is also the Property Committee’s task to research and appraise the 3 properties owned for future sale.
Executive Committee continues to work with architects to design the new church and rectory.
Other sub-groups have focused on financial processes, new opportunities for faith enrichment, such as once-a-week Adoration at both locations, sharing Readers at Mass, Retreats during Advent and Lent.
Knights of Columbus has particularly taken the role of providing special social event in the last year: Annual Parish Picnic in August, Epiphany Dinner in January, re-creating St. Patrick’s Dinner, and Mother’s Day Brunch.
Further fundraising is hosted weekly by the Hispanic parishioners after Sunday mass in Cashmere. They continue to host an annual Valentine dinner and dance in Leavenworth which is a significant fundraiser for the building fund.
Please note: It is estimated that the entire process of completing our goal to move into our newchurch building could take approximately two years from now. We must adhere to the Diocese’s New Building Guidelines plus work through Chelan County’s requirements step by step. We ask foryour prayers and support.
Questions? Please ask any of us listed below.
We are the Mystical Body of Christ formed by two parishes, Our Lady of the Snows and St. Francis Xavier. By our baptism we are called to celebrate the presence of God through the Sacramental life of the church, most especially in the Sacrifice of the Lord which brings us into great communion with Him and one another. Together, as one family of faith, we continue along this journey of life with our attention fixed on the goal of reaching eternal life with God forever in heaven.
Executive Committee Members
Rev. Miquel Gonzalez
Donna Zukowski, Chair
Suzanne Cowan
Tony Hillock
Julie Walsh
Don White
Tracy Franklin
Bruce Bratrude
Deacon Bill Dronen
Pam Nicklas
Dan Covello
Tim Yedinak
Jeff Walsh
Vicki White
Bill Dick
Fernando Torres
Jorge Caldrillei