RE: New Reopening Guidance Allows 50% Occupancy March 23, 2021
Washington State released new guidance today for Religious and Faith-Based Organizations that will allow up to 50% occupancy for Mass and other religious gathering (including weddings and funerals). While masks are generally required and six feet of spacing is required between groups, group sizes of up to 15 are allowed and there is no requirement that members of the groups be from the same household. This could allow significantly more persons to attend Mass.
I have attached the new guidance, as well as an outline of the new county-based reopening plan for the state. All counties are in Phase 3 of the plan until at least April 12. Here are some of the key points.
EATING AND DINING REQUIREMENTSIndoor dining available 50% capacity, end alcohol service/ delivery at 12AM. Outdoor or open-air dining available, max 10 people per table.
WEDDINGS AND FUNERALSCeremonies and indoor receptions, wakes, or similar gatherings in conjunction with such ceremonies are permitted and must follow the appropriate venue requirements. If food or drinks are served, the eating and drinking requirements above apply.
Hold indoor services at a place of worship with up to 50% of room (or building) capacity with a recommended maximum of 400 people if the space is less than 100,000 square feet and 600 people if the space is more than 100,000 square feet, so long as six feet of physical distancing can be achieved between each group in all directions. A group may include a maximum of 15 individuals. It is recommended, but not required that each group consist of individuals from no more than two households. Face coverings are required for all participants.
Hold outdoor services of unlimited capacity with a recommended maximum of 400, so long as six feet of physical distancing can be achieved between groups in all directions. A group may include up to 15 individuals. Face coverings are required for all participants.
Religious services conducted outdoor, in the open-air, or in an outdoor structure (temporary or permanent) must comply with the requirements of the Outdoor and Open-air Seating Guidance found here.
Hold or provide in-home services inside a person’s residence with up to 10 total individuals (excluding organization staff). Face coverings are required for all participants.
The services covered in these operational guidelines include all worship services, religious study classes, religious ceremonies, and religious holiday celebrations. Religious weddings and funerals are not covered under this document and must follow the guidance found here. (Note: This guidance covers Phases 1 and 2. The best interpretation is that occupancy limits for weddings and funerals are determined by the occupancy limits of the church.)
Organizations are strongly encouraged to keep a log of attendees at each service or counseling session and to retain that log for at least two weeks. If an outbreak occurs, this information may be critical to help save lives.
LIVE MUSIC AND PERFORMANCES a. Choirs and Congregational Singing: Phase 3: Choirs of any size are permitted to sing so long as six feet of physical distancing is maintained between each singer and all singers wear a three-layer cloth mask or surgical mask.
Congregations of any size are permitted to sing as long six feet of physical distancing is maintained between groups and all congregants wear a three-layer cloth mask or surgical mask.
b. Soloist singers are permitted to sing during the service without a mask provided that the individual maintains 15 feet of physical distancing.
c. The performance of woodwind and brass instruments is permitted during the service so long as the performer(s) maintain 9 feet (12 feet is encouraged) of physical distancing. Woodwind and brass performers are required to wear their masks during their performance.***
Let's do our best to help keep Washington State in Phase 3 by encouraging COVID-19 vaccinations and being good examples of following the state guidance ourselves. Priests, deacons and parish leaders needing further help in interpreting the new guidance may best reach me at
[email protected].